This is not a private initiative. It is a project that has been developed for all to be involved. If you are African or you have African interest at heart, then this project is for you.

Do you know there are many people in the world who are going about their normal businesses, but doing well, and whose stories can be inspiring and worthy of mention with pride to know that they, as Africans, are making Africans proud?

A young nurse who is working her socks off tending to the dying, doing much more than the rewards she is being paid, but making sure that the sick and troubled find comfort…..if African, is worthy of Pride of Africa status. She is not doing her work for the sake of the Award/recognition. She is doing it because it comes natural to her, but must be celebrated.

There is one like that, close to you. And we are asking you to nominate them, and let us show the gratitude of Africa to them for being what they are.

How about a trailblazer fighter pilot of African origin, who is female and blazing the trail for the upcoming, and letting the world know that women can excel in a male-dominated field? If she is doing what she does and is inspiring younger ones to go for their dreams, then is she not worth mention in Pride of Africa?

There are so many like these two. And we are looking to you to nominate them and let us bring them to the fore.

We know many potential Pride of Africa beneficiaries – well-known ones whose names ring a big bell when mentioned.

But we have many Unsung Heroes in Africa, and this project is more for them than for the recognised and established ones.

Follow us – on Twitter (@PrideofAfric) or contact us directly here…..and let us have your nominations.

We are here to honour and celebrate Africa!

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