Our Pride


Here is where we are inviting your nominations and votes for who you think is worthy of Pride of Africa Status. This is a section for the Unsung Hero of Africa – someone who is not in the limelight but who you have spotted as doing great things either for their society or for their respective industry. It is also a section where Unsung Heroes can be champions of gender empowerment and Diversity campaigns.

If you have heard of, or seen anyone who you deem worthy of Pride of Africa status, this is where you can tell us about them.

Pride of Africa is not only about people in the limelight. They have done their part and we will acknowledge them. But we are also about the thousands and thousands of Unsung Heroes out there, lifting the profile and image of our great continent, through their intellect, hard work and grit.

Make your nomination here, with your contact details, and we will be in touch.

This…is our Pride – collectively.

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